Saturday, November 18, 2006

Life is Comical, Study Political Cartoons

Nov. 15, 2006 from 8:00-11:00 - US History

My cooperating teacher used political cartoons to emphasize carpet baggers coming from the north during the Reconstruction period.

I thought this was really cool because we have just finished discussing the use of political cartoons in Social Studies in READ 498.

I plan on using political cartoons next semester during student teaching as well as in my future classrooms.

It was really interesting to see the kids connect their prior knowledge to class lectures with the cartoon. I could tell that the students were humored by the specific cartoon, knowing they had the background knowledge on the subject. Some even clarified their misunderstandings from lecture notes after viewing the political cartoon. I have always like studying cartoons because of an approach my AP US History teacher used. I think using political cartoons can connect historic events with current events and can lead into numerous valuable discussions among students and teachers alike.

*Note - After teaching my lessons, since I have gone to school passed my 45 hours, my cooperating teacher suggested for me to come once a week with the end of the semester approaching with all the business the end of semesters usually have to offer. I took her up on that and we agreed for me to visit on Wednesdays until the end of the semester. I noticed on Monday, however, I was almost in a grouchy mood, which is very rare for me. When I returned to the classroom on Wednesday it occurred to me that my routine had changed and my grouchy mood resulted from me missing being in the classroom. I sure hope the feeling of satisfaction from working in the classroom lasts throughout next semester. I have to say, I enjoy working with my cooperating teacher and her students. Next semester, its all for the kids...all 132 of them! (Yeah I me crazy)

I agree with Parker J. Palmer who says in The Courage to Teach, "Deep speaks to deep, and when we have not sounded our own depths, we cannot sound the depths of our students' lives." [Amen.]


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